Personalized Speech and Language Therapy Meet The Dramatic Arts
When you decide to put your communication development in the hands of The Dramatic SLP, it immediately becomes the number one priority. From simple to complex issues, each person is treated using person-centered therapy to guarantee the most fun and connective outcomes.
Ever since starting my career in Speech Language Pathology, it has been my dream to incorporate the dramatic arts and language development. As a professional entertainer in the Orlando area, I wanted to generate new ways of brining language to life in fun and interactive ways that target goals, develop social skills and incorporate play-based imaginative treatment methods. Your child will have the chance to gain social and language skills while incorporating music, drama, fun and play.
What I believe In
1. Communication AND Language- I value the theory of listening to connect. I believe non-verbal communication and body language as a valid form of communication and should be developed and explored.
2. Person-Centered Therapy- I prioritize building self-worth and confidence through consistent validation and individualized approaches.
3. Dramatic and Imagination-Based Play- Play as a valued and evidence-based part of the SLP Model, prioritizing fun and play
4. Innovative Approach to Evidence-based practices- I value taking evidence-based practices and applying them in a new way. I believe in applying evidence-based practices to an imaginative-play therapy setting.
Get in Touch
(407) 759-6517